CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS (Deadline extended)
CONFERENCE THEME: The Multicolored Tapestry of Asia: Traditions, Conversations, and Development
One of the ancient records of human civilization, the history of Asia comprises many vast strands of influences—cultural, geo-political, philosophical, technological, and artistic. Asia was, and continues to be, a site of vibrant intercontinental encounters—where the West meets the East—and cross-cultural exchanges give rise to a series of collaboration, innovation, mutual understandings, as well as debates and conflicts. Therefore, the Asian Studies Conference invites students, faculty members, independent scholars, and administrators to contribute to this ongoing, interdisciplinary reflection on, and conversation about, Asia’s past, present, and future in the context of globalization and multiculturalism.
ASCF invites proposals for individual papers, panels, poster sessions, or round-table sessions for the 2019 conference.
Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students, teachers, independent scholars, and administrators.
We welcome individual papers, (thematic) panels, and posters exploring and examining topics relating to Asian cultures and societies, as are suggested, but not limited to:
Business and Finance
Food!!! (and drinks)
Geography and History
Literature, Languages, and Cultural Studies
Presenters are encouraged to re-situate their understanding of the Asian aspects and influences in a multicultural context and show how Asian Studies can give insight into the future development of the world’s largest continent.
Politics and Political History
Popular Culture and Contemporary Trends
Religion and Mythology
The Arts and Humanities
The Sciences
Traditional Medicine, Health Beliefs and Practices
Click on the "W" symbol to download the detailed guidelines

The Asian Studies Conference and Festival is an STLR-funded students’ project that aims to bring global awareness, diversity, scholarly and creative activities to UCO Campus in an interdisciplinary and concentrated approach. To be hosted on April 5, 2019, the conference is organized by two English Education majors and their friends under the supervision of Dr. Susan Spencer, Professor of English and Director of Global Initiatives for the College of Liberal Arts. In the broadest sense, the conference caters to multiple disciplines and welcomes critical thinking and original contributions from students, professors, teachers, administrators, as well as independent scholars.
In the process of organizing the conference, we receive generous support and advice from faculty of many departments, such as the Liberal Arts College’s English Department, History & Geography Department, Humanities Department, The College of Math and Science, and the Business College.

University of Central Oklahoma
College of Liberal Arts
Department of English
100 N University Drive
Edmond, OK 73034